Cruise.com Mobile App Support
Thank you for downloading Cruise.com's new mobile app. We hope you enjoy it and welcome any comments on your experience with it.
Problems Downloading the App
If you are having problems downloading the app, contact Apple support or Google Marketplace for assistance.
App Suggestions
We are striving to offer the most useful cruise app in the marketplace and will continue to add enhancements to provide the best user experience.
We value your opinions as cruisers and mobile app users and welcome your suggestions that would improve our mobile cruise app.
Are you having any problems with the app?
We hope that your experience is problem free but we understand that issues may arise. Please let us know about any challenges that you may be experiencing and we will do our best to resolve them.
How can we improve your cruise app experience?
Success! Your error or suggestion has been received by a member of our mobile app development! We will look into the issue and notify you when it has been resolved. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response.
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